To put it simply, a trademark gives your business protection against the unauthorized use of your mark. But to legitimately enforce this legal protection, you will have to register the trademark with the United States Trademark Office. Continue reading to learn more advantages of trademark registration and how an experienced New Jersey trademark lawyer at Ingber Law Firm can assist you through the process.
What are the benefits of trademark registration?
With the help of Trademark Registration Enforceable rights, you will receive the following advantages by registering your mark:
- You will be giving constructive notice to the public of your claim of ownership of the mark.
- You will earn a legal presumption of ownership.
- You will be granted with the exclusive right to use the mark nationwide on or in connection with the goods and/or services listed in your registration.
- You will have the ability to bring an action concerning the mark in federal court.
- You will be given the right to use your registration to obtain registration in foreign countries.
If you believe, after reading this, that registering your mark is in your best interest, contact a skilled Essex County, New Jersey intellectual property lawyer today.
How do I start the trademark registration process?
Firstly, you will have to file an application with the U.S. Trademark Office. This submission will include the word, name, or design to which you would like to mark, along with a filing fee for that particular class of goods.
Once filed, an examiner will ensure that there is no existing mark that is similar to your proposed mark. They will also run evaluations on whether the public would be interested in consuming your product, what the value of your product is, and whether consumers can recognize your brand without confusing it with something else, among other factors.
Finally, if your mark passes all of these tests, then the U.S. Trademark Office will notify you that the trademark has been granted.
If you require any assistance throughout the application process, do not hesitate in reaching out to our firm today. For one, our team can hire a service firm to conduct a search of the U.S. Trademark Registry to determine if your mark is available. And moreover, we can file your application on your behalf, along with holding discussions with the U.S. trademark Office or otherwise anyone else who potentially may object to the registration.
Whether you’re looking to register a copyright or trademark, are facing a dispute, or otherwise require the assistance of an experienced New Jersey intellectual property lawyer, you’re in the right place. Contact Ingber Law Firm today to schedule your initial consultation with our skilled and dedicated legal team.