If you have an idea that has the potential to make you or your company a profit, it may be in your best interest to protect it in any way you can. Such protection ensures your right as well as prohibits competitors from using your idea for their own profit. Even though this intellectual property is not necessarily physical property, there are still methods by which you can protect it. Continue reading to learn more about patents, trademarks, copyright, and licensing agreements, and how a seasoned Essex County, New Jersey intellectual property lawyer can help you determine which tool is best for your given circumstances.
What are ways that I can protect my intellectual property in the state of New Jersey?
As insinuated above, patents, trademarks, copyright, and licensing agreements are the most common ways in which intellectual property is protected in the state of New Jersey. Descriptions of each read as follows:
- Patent: simply put, this is a contract between a creator and the government. This grants you rights to your intellectual property for 20 years from the date of filing the patent application. With this, there are three different types of patents:
- Utility patent: this is used for the invention of a process, machine, manufacture, or composition that is new and useful.
- Design patent: this is used for a new, original, or ornamental design embodied in or applied to an article of manufacture.
- Plant patent: this is used for a new, distinct, invented, discovered, or asexually-produced plant.
- Trademark: this allows a symbol, word, or phrase used to represent your company or product to be legally registered with the government. To obtain a trademark, you are required to file paperwork with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. If not opposed, this can give you national coverage of the symbol, word, or phrase.
- Copyright: this is applicable to you for both published and unpublished original works. When you receive copyright protection for your idea, you can grant rights to print, publish, perform, film, or record it.
- Licensing agreement: this allows you, as the legal owner of a concept, to have others use it in order to make a further profit. That is, you allow others to use, market, manufacture, distribute, or sell your work under the agreement that you are compensated for it.
If you require further information, do not hesitate in reaching out to a competent New Jersey intellectual property lawyer today.
Whether you’re looking to register a copyright or trademark, are facing a dispute, or otherwise require the assistance of an experienced New Jersey intellectual property lawyer, you’re in the right place. Contact Ingber Law Firm today to schedule your initial consultation with our skilled and dedicated legal team.